
Christoph Hauser

Foto Christoph Hauser
Prof. (FH) PD Dr. Christoph Hauser
Vice Director of Studies Bachelor / Master International Business Studies
+43 5372 71819 138

Biographical Sketch & education

Dr. Christoph Hauser studied International Business Administration at the University of Innsbruck and the Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane/Australia). Subsequently he was a research assistant at the Department of Economics of the University of Innsbruck.

“The Spatial Dimension of Social Capital” is the title of his doctoral thesis. The main research focus is the impact of social attitudes and networks on regional innovation performance. A major finding is the importance of tacit knowledge for innovation processes which can only be diffused in personal face-to-face contacts. Regions with high rates of social trust and interpersonal contacts exhibit better conditions for knowledge diffusion and higher rates of innovation.

As a postdoctoral researcher and university assistant Dr. Christoph Hauser continued his research activities with an emphasis on effects of social capital and its regional constitution. The rectorate of the University of Innsbruck granted him the habilitation for the excellence of scientific research in 2016.

In collaboration projects with the Federation of the Tyrolian Industry and the Institute of Economic Research of the Chamber of Commerce of Bozen/Bolzano Dr. Christoph Hauser communicated the findings on regional factors of competitiveness to a broad public. In addition he acquired extensive experience in applied market analysis in projects with the consulting agency Fehradvice and the energy provider Enamo.

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