
Career Skills Lab: Emotional Intelligence in Organisations (E)

Niveau der Lehrveranstaltung/des Moduls laut Lehrplan

First Cycle

Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung/des Moduls

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is seen as key competence in organizations to build an environment where both, people and businesses can thrive. Purpose, empathy, responsibility, mindful actions and values are core drivers for developing EQ. You will learn how EQ is applied in organizations.

In this course you will learn about how brains and guts influence your choices and shape your behaviour.

You will learn about decision making and connection as two core activities of successful career development.

You will gain insight into how self-awareness, awareness of others and awareness of the environment as pillars of EQ can be mindfully used in developing yourself, your future team, your relationships and your career.

Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan



• The relevance and application of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in organizations
• The concepts of purpose, value, trust and mindfulness
• Applying and experiencing EQ in your student
context and as core career skill

empfohlene Fachliteratur

Levy Shankman, M.; Allen, S. J. & Haber-Curran, P. (2015): Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: A Guide for Students (Second edition). San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass
Sinek, S. (2011): Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action. London: Penguin Group
Zak, P. J. (2017): The neuroscience of trust. Harvard Business Manager, February
Additional Material will be provided in the cours

Bewertungsmethoden und -kriterien

Participation in class: 30 %
Reflections: 40 %
Presentations: 30 %



Anzahl der zugewiesenen ECTS-Credits


eLearning Anteil in Prozent


Semesterwochenstunden (SWS)


geplante Lehr- und Lernmethoden

Reading, Listening
Exploration, Reflection
Group Exercises

Semester/Trimester, in dem die Lehrveranstaltung/das Modul angeboten wird


Name des/der Vortragenden

Dr. Petra Meyer



empfohlene optionale Programmeinheiten


Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltungen/des Moduls


Art der Lehrveranstaltung/des Moduls

Integrierte Lehrveranstaltung

Art der Lehrveranstaltung




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