Three events – a unique success story: Facility & Real Estate Management at the FH Kufstein Tirol
2. Facility & Real Estate Management BusinessConversation 2017
For the second time, representatives from real estate businesses met students and graduates to discuss job offers and development potential. "We offer our students and graduates a great network to allow them to get ahead in their careers," said the Director of the Study Program, Asc. Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Ing Christian Huber, commenting on this year's FM & REM BusinessConversation. HR managers presented different requirements and opportunities in their businesses and discussed details with the participants afterwards.
6. Facility & Real Estate Management WinterSchool 2017
This year, the Facility & Real Estate Management WinterSchool tried to find a location for a child hospice. In the WinterSchool's sixth edition, organized by the FMI study program, students from the FH Kufstein Tirol worked together with students from the United States, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany. They were tasked with finding a location for the hospice, designing the building, and drafting a cost estimate for its construction and operation. An international team of professors supported them.
19. Facility & Real Estate Management WinterCongress 2017
Participants discussed the topic "customer orientation from the perspective of facility and real estate management" at the 19th WinterCongress, organized by the Facility & Real Estate Management program. Several different presentations covered topics such as customer satisfaction, positive implications of modern spatial concepts and high-quality tenders. "The event clearly showed that customer satisfaction is a new requirement for quality in real estate services," concluded the Director of Studies, Asc. Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Ing Christian Huber.