Lara Schattner, Studierende der FH Kufstein Tirol verbringt ihr Auslandssemester 2021/2022 an der Partneruniversität Providence University in Taiwan.
SN Karriereforum/Franz Neumayr
Lara Schattner, student of the FH Kufstein Tirol will spend her semester abroad in 2021/2022 at the partner university Providence University in Taiwan.

Scholarship for semester abroad in Taiwan

30.07.2021 | International
FH Kufstein Tirol student receives MOFA scholarship for Taiwan-Europe Connectivity (TEC) 2021.

With the support of the International Relations Office of the FH Kufstein Tirol and in cooperation with the partner university Providence University in Taiwan, the bachelor student successfully applied for the scholarship of the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" (MOFA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan), which includes a monthly grant as well as a one-way ticket to Taiwan. "I am really looking forward to my semester abroad and am grateful to have been given this unique opportunity," said Lara Schattner, a bachelor's degree program student in the Sport, Culture & Event Management.

The scholarship is awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The aim of the scholarship program is to encourage outstanding international students to study in Taiwan and to expand and promote bilateral exchanges and Europe's relationship with Taiwan through research, scholarships and studies involving international politics and culture.
