Das digitale Zukunftsbild von Lienz und den weiteren Gemeinden soll sich durch die Projekte verändern.
The digital vision of Lienz is to change through the projects.

University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol supports digitization project for the Lienz region

22.07.2020 | Research
Digital projects are to shape the future of six communities in the Tirol region in a way that is more innovative and modern. Researchers and students at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol are scientifically monitoring the projects.

Digitization in the Lienz region is a new pilot project in the State of Tirol and is supported by the University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein, which has digitization as one of its research focuses. The results will presumably be finished by the summer of 2021. “We are happy about the collaboration and opportunity to have the knowledge from our research focus “Humans & Digitization” be integrated into these projects,” says Rector of the University of Applied Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Professor Dr. Mario Döller happily.

The University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol is bundling its expertise from several study programs into the project: Data Science & Intelligent Analytics, Digital Marketing, Business Management, Energy & Sustainability Management,* and Smart Products & Solutions are supporting the project with the necessary expertise in the area of digitization and especially when it comes to sensors. Inno-Cube GmbH is also participating in the project, is building the sensors according to the defined application cases, and is processing the data via a LoRa network. This wireless technology (LoRa) enables extensive, remote data transmission that uses very small amounts of electricity. Dr. Ruhle from SBR-net Consulting is managing the project.

Digitization plans for communities: establishing a smart region

A total of around 40 percent of households from 15 communities have already been equipped with passive-sharing broadband internet and have a good beginning basis for conducting the projects. The services and applications that are suitable for a region on this infrastructure now need to be explored, and it needs to be determined which tasks the public authorities will be responsible for. A verification will also be made to check what private companies offer and what benefits the region can obtain from new digital applications. As a result, research is being made to see what can be implemented and is usable in the region as well as what the digital vision for the region’s future may look like.

Application areas for six communities

The project group has come up with six fields of application, and one field of application will be implemented per community. For the community of Iselsberg-Stronach, a mobility analysis is to be made for Highway 107 heading towards Carinthia as well as a measurement of the number of visitors on the hiking path in the national park. In Leisach the water management of the spring water intakes is to be digitized and thus innovated. A project in the area of traffic and weather is being implemented for Lienz. In this project, the times that the street lights turn on and off as well as error correction and measuring the road surface temperature by digital sensor technology are to be improved and should be able to be analyzed. The road service will receive digital tools, and the weather station will also receive digital tools for weather forecasts.

In Thurn digitization will be used for building infrastructures by supporting public buildings with energy data monitoring, and digital access control should offer more security. Also along the lines of security, the community of Tristach is receiving a wastewater pumping management system that intelligently checks the water level and triggers automatic warnings. The sixth digital project is being implemented in Schlaiten and will take overhead tank readings.

* subject to accreditation by AQ Austria