Change Management
Learning outcomes of course unit
The participants:
- know the essential strategic and operational measures for analyzing and implementing corporate change processes
- know the phases of the change process according to different models
- are able to critically reflect on corporate business processes, evaluate change measures and implement and manage change processes
- know how to deal with various types of resistance and emotions during change processes
- can initiate, implement, complete and evaluate transformation processes
- develop the ability to analyze conflicts and use them constructively
- know the key negotiation models and techniques and can apply them successfully in specific situations
- know the key cognitive and emotional influencing factors in negotiation processes
- know the most important methods and tools for evaluating change projects and can apply them
- are able to develop strategies and measures to successfully integrate AI into the corporate culture and structure
prerequisites and co-requisites
course contents
- Strategy development and implementation in the context of change projects
- Concepts, instruments and process models of change management and communication in the change process
- Human behavior during change and leadership tasks during change
- Success factors in change management (opportunity management)
- Initiation, design and implementation of change processes
- Fundamentals of conflict management: conflict resolution models and model process of a conflict discussion
- Neutrality and leadership responsibility in a tense relationship
- Mediation process and process management skills
- Transformational leadership
- Evaluation and control of change projects
- Integration of AI into the corporate culture and structure
recommended or required reading
• Lauer, T. (2019): Change Management: Grundlagen und Erfolgsfaktoren
• Klinkhammer, M./ Hütter, F./ Stoess, D./ Wüst. L. (2018): Change happens: Veränderungen gehirngerecht gestalten
• Hackl, B. (2017): New Work: Auf dem Weg zur neuen Arbeitswelt: Management-Impulse, Praxisbeispiele, Studien
• Solzenberg, K./ Heberle, K. (2021): Change Management: Veränderungsprozesse erfolgreich gestalten - Mitarbeiter mobilisieren. Vision, Kommunikation, Beteiligung, Qualifizierung
• Cameron, E./ Green, M. (2019): Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change
assessment methods and criteria
language of instruction
number of ECTS credits allocated
eLearning quota in percent
course-hours-per-week (chw)
planned learning activities and teaching methods
ILV (Blended Learning, Inverted Classroom)
semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered
course unit code
type of course unit
integrated lecture
mode of delivery