Post Graduate

Law for managers

level of course unit

1. Master cycle

Learning outcomes of course unit

The acquisition of skills is divided into basics, labor law and drafting of employment contracts and liability aspects of management.

The participants

• know the general civil and private law aspects of entrepreneurial activity
• understand basic legal principles, which are conveyed by means of concrete examples of frequent problem cases in legal practice
• know the basics of the General Data Protection Regulation
• can discuss different approaches to the regulation of AI (e.g. AI ethics, AI law, AI governance) and their application in different areas (e.g. data protection, liability law, occupational health and safety)

• know the differences and similarities in the formation of contracts and the resulting obligations for both the employee and the employer
• know the differences and similarities in the drafting of contracts
• can assess and reflect on practical cases
• can draw up components of employment contracts in principle
• can analyze the potential impact of AI on the world of work (e.g. automation, job loss, new forms of work)

• know the essential aspects of liability law relevant to managers and managing directors
• Know the essential problems and possible solutions in connection with third party interests of creditors, competitors, consumers, employees, investors and tax authorities
• can analyze the liability issues in connection with AI systems (e.g. in the event of wrong decisions, data protection violations, product liability)

prerequisites and co-requisites


course contents

• Distinction between private law and public law
• Basics of property law
• The natural and legal person (legal capacity and capacity to act)
• General contract law
• Basic data protection regulation
• Legal forms of companies
• Legal regulation of artificial intelligence
• AI-supported legal advice and research

Labor law & drafting of employment contracts:
• Elements and drafting of the employment contract
• Rights and duties of employer and employee
• Co-determination, dismissal and protection against dismissal
• Effects of AI on employment relationships

Liability aspects of management:
• Overview of corporate criminal law
• Basics of liability and insurance issues
• Liability avoidance and aspects of competition and corporate law
• Liability for damage caused by AI systems

recommended or required reading

Vieweg, K., & Fischer, M. (2019) Wirtschaftsrecht: Grundlagen
Bydlinski, P. (2017) Grundzüge des Privatrechts: Für Ausbildung und Praxis

Arbeitsrecht & Arbeitsvertragsgestaltung:
Bährle, R. (2019). Arbeitsrecht für Arbeitgeber: Tipps zur Vermeidung von kostspieligen Fehlern – Mit zahlreichen Beispielen und Vorlagen für die betriebliche Praxis
Brodil, W., & Risak, M. (2019). Arbeitsrecht in Grundzügen
Laimer, H. G., & Wieser, L. (2019). Arbeitsrecht für HR und Personalwesen

Haftungsrechtliche Aspekte des Managements:
Bollenberger, M. (2017). Geschäftsführerhaftung: Haftung des Geschäftsführers, der Gesellschaft und der Gesellschafter der GmbH
Eberhardt, S. R., & Gurmann, S. (2016) (Hrsg.). Managementhaftung in der Praxis
Ertl, P., Gerlach, R., Griesmayr, N., & Murhi, G. (2019). Persönliche Haftung der Geschäftsführer, Vorstände und Aufsichtsräte

assessment methods and criteria

Final exam

language of instruction


number of ECTS credits allocated


eLearning quota in percent


course-hours-per-week (chw)


planned learning activities and teaching methods

ILV (Blended Learning, Inverted Classroom)

semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


name of lecturer(s)


year of study


recommended optional program components


course unit code


type of course unit

integrated lecture

mode of delivery


work placement(s)
