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Strong together

Sustainability in many facets: Actions, lectures, exhibitions and workshops - the Sustainability Week program is as diverse as the topic itself. There are scientific lectures, exhibitions from companies, as well as various workshops and activities where everyone can get active themselves.

The Sustainability Week is organized by students from the study programs Energy & Sustainability Management, Facility Management & Real Estate Management, Marketing & Communication Management, and Sports, Culture & Event Management in the form of a business project.

The Sustainability Week takes place as a hybrid event - program points are offered both online and on-site directly on campus. This enables an open exchange between lecturers, students and interested parties. In addition, the project group team cooperates with regional companies and schools, thus uniting different social and age groups.

4. Nachhaltigkeitswoche
Sustainability Days 2023 

19 - 22 June 2023
FH Kufstein Tirol

Experience the transformative power of sustainability at the 4-day-long “Nachhaltigkeitswoche” - Sustainability Days 2023, organized by students of Energy and Sustainability Management, as well as Sports, Culture, and Event Management. Explore a rich program of activities, lectures, discussions, and workshops, with each day focusing on different sustainability issues. Join in shaping a brighter and more sustainable future.


Monday, 19.06.2023            
  • Mobility
Tuedsay, 20.06.2023         
  • Energy transition
Wednesday, 21.06.2023         
  • Food
Thursday, 22.06.2023    
  • Circular economy

Program & Registration


(in German only)

For certain events (to be specified in the program) please register per e-mail:



In the spirit of sustainability, the event is a  Green Event Tirol Basic

It is looked forward to your environmental-friendly journey by public transport via the ÖBB/DB. Continuing from the train station with the city bus (line 1) to the stop Franz-Josef-Platz/Stadtpark you will arrive at the event. You can also come on foot or by bike. Parking spaces are available at the FH Kufstein Tirol.

Social Media

Nachhaltigkeitswoche – Sustainability Days 2023 on


Sustainability in many facets

Since 2020, students at the FH Kufstein Tirol have been inviting people to the Sustainability Week. Five days that are all about sustainability - with the goal of making the world a little greener together.

3. Nachhaltigkeitswoche 2022

2. Nachhaltigkeitswoche 2021

1. Nachhaltigkeitswoche 2020



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Connecting Students and Alumni: MyWay Inspires with New Interview Series

The innovative online business project MyWay is excited to share the success of its livestream interview series, connecting students of the University of Applied Science Kufstein Tyrol with illustrious alumni. This initiative, focusing on the Sport, Culture, and Event Management (SCEM) Master’s Degree program, has significantly bridged the gap between current students and successful professionals in the industry.

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