Sports and leisure activities
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Sports and leisure activities

The demands placed on the mind by intensive study can be easily balanced by participating in regular recreational activity. For students in Kufstein there is an extensive range of summertime leisure activities to choose from: from water sports on nearby lakes and rivers, running, mountain biking and climbing to outdoor concerts, readings and festivals.

On the one side of student life there are rigorous classes and internships; on the other, recreation and fun. Winter life in the Alps is all about frozen waterfalls, pristine snow-covered mountainsides, challenging ski slopes, exciting boarder parks, endless cross-country ski trails, and the magic of the cozy mountain inns. Nearby ski areas are Westendorf, Itter, Hohe Salve, Kitzbühel, and many others.

The CITY OF KUFSTEIN with its ancient fortress is characterized by a flourishing symbiosis of traditions and modernities. The historical center, the Inn Promenade, a variety of small shops and shopping malls, restaurants, cafés and bars all contribute to creating a special flair. Above all, the warm and friendly inhabitants of Kufstein make the city to the marvelous and welcoming place it is.

There is no shortage of sports, culture and fun in the wonderful Kufstein region. All year round the magnificent mountains and valleys, forests and fields entice inhabitants and visitors to spend time outdoors. Also, there are the numerous cultural events like the Salzburger Festspiele or opera and theatre performances in Munich and Innsbruck, which should be on everyone’s list of inspiring things to do.

Students can also contact the ÖH FH Kufstein Sportreferat.

News of the FH Kufstein

Matura Award 2024 geht an das Gnadenthal Gymnasium Ingolstadt

Dieses Jahr hatte die Klasse Q12 des Gnadenthal Gymnasiums Ingolstadt beim Matura Award Wettbewerb der FH Kufstein Tirol besonders viel Glück. Unter den vielen Teilnehmenden aus Österreich, Deutschland und Südtirol entschied das Los zugunsten der Klasse des musischen Gymnasiums.

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Study Trip Sarajevo 2024

28 students from the Sports, Culture & Events Management (SCEM) master’s full-time program of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein organized a successful study trip to Sarajevo from the 15th to 19th of April 2024.

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Studium mit Lehrabschluss – geht das?

Die Antwort ist: JA! Ein Studium an einer Fachhochschule in Österreich ist grundsätzlich auch mit einem facheinschlägigen Lehrabschluss möglich. Maximal drei Zusatzprüfungen in Deutsch, Englisch und Mathematik müssen im ersten Studienjahr absolviert werden, um die Hochschulreife zu ersetzen.

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