Scholarship for Ice Hockey Pros
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Scholarship for Ice Hockey Pros

Ice hockey passion combined with studies

The FH Kufstein Tirol and the ice hockey team of the HC Kufstein Dragons offer students an attractive scholarship. Interested students can study at the university and play in the professional ice hockey team of Kufstein. The selected students can expect many advantages and benefits while pursuing their athletic career.

Commitment for the HC Dragons

HC Kufstein is a professionally managed ice hockey club that participates in the third highest Austrian division (1st team), the highest Tyrolean division (2nd team) and the highest Austrian division (women's team) in the adult sector. The aim of HC Kufstein is to further develop the professionalism of the club and to be the most successful teams in Austrian amateur ice hockey.

The training structure for the men's 1st team is elaborate and ambitious, usually training 3-4 times a week, from the end of August to mid-March. This is supplemented by the matches, which are held regularly 1-2 times a week - the playing season in the championship begins in mid-October and ends in March. A separate office of the club takes care of the players, the coaching team, partners and members. Players of the men's 1st team also receive an expense allowance for their services.

About the ice hockey club

The ice hockey club HC Kufstein was founded as early as 1948 and has already won the elite league championship twice. Training takes place in the Kufstein Arena, a facility that has a 2000 m² covered and 1500 m² Canadian ice surface, with 700 grandstand seats on which it can get really loud. The club slogan: "Passion has a name - Kufstein Dragons", is more than just a snappy saying and is lived one hundred percent in the club. "This also represents a demand on new players, because we also expect this passion from the scholarship holders," summarizes chairman Roland Luchner. The coaching staff includes a head coach, a co-trainer and a goalkeeper coach. Medical support is provided by two doctors.

The HC Kufstein Dragons Scholarship

  • 2 Scholarships per year
  • Housing organized by the HC Kufstein
  • Insurance costs for the sporting activities are covered
  • Food allowance
  • Optimal medical care and professional trainer support
  • Reimbursement of tuition fees by the FH Kufstein Tirol


  • Active studies at the FH Kufstein Tirol (enrollment, with a duration of stay of at least 1 semester in Kufstein)
  • Regular games on weekends (playing season October to March)
  • Regular ice hockey training (3-4 times per week, August to March)


The application process to study at the FH Kufstein Tirol is separate to the application for the Scholarship - both hurdles have to be mastered athletically. The application for the scholarship at the club includes a letter of motivation, an athletic resume, a current highlight video of one's athletic abilities and a short video introduction. The scholarships are preferentially awarded for the 1st men's ice hockey team, but you can also apply for the 2nd men's team or the women's ice hockey team. After the application process, the HC Dragons Kufstein proceed with the selection and awarding of the scholarship. 


Please send your application to the HC Kufstein Dragons to:

Roland Luchner, Chairman HC Kufstein Dragons 

Your application to study at the FH Kufstein Tirol


Folder Ice Hockey Scholarship (engl.)

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