change management
Kufstein and Rosenheim
4 days
100% German -
Academic Program:
Certified Change Manager with 3 ECTS credits
Euro 1.850,- -
Spring 2026
Course with creditable micro-credentials (MC)


Our Change Management course equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to successfully manage change. Professionals from science and practice will teach you how to actively shape change and deal with resistance in the right way. You will learn how to communicate clearly, mobilize and create acceptance.
Each day of the course offers you a combination of technical input and practical individual and group exercises for direct consolidation.
The Change Management course developed jointly by Kufstein and Rosenheim Universities of Applied Sciences lays the foundation for your successful projects by taking important soft factors into account. After passing the exam, you will receive a university certificate with ECTS points, which can be credited towards further studies.
- Lecturers from science and practice
- Professional exchange among the participants
- Get to know a structured approach for successful change
- Actively managing change
- Be able to analyze project environment and interests
- Communicating change processes clearly
- Generating acceptance for change
Benefits for your Company
Change management in compact form (4 days)
Better chances of success for projects
Change competence directly in the company
Fewer conflicts during change processes
Strengthen cooperation
Create sustainable change
Day 1:
Challenges in change management
Current problems with change in companies
Understanding change management as a management task
Recognizing those involved and their interests
Sharpening awareness of the sensitivities of those involved
Creating a change competence profile
Day 2:
Theories and models of change
Types of change
Models of change
Human behavior during change
Reasons for failure and success of projects
Leadership tasks during change
Day 3:
Instrumente erfolgreichen Wandels
Change toolbox
Creating awareness and common needs / goals
From compliance to commitment: creating acceptance
Dealing with resistance
Ensuring sustainability
Day 4:
Development of high-performance teams
Phases of team development
Appreciative communication as a basis
Making decisions in a team
Cooperative conflict management
Project management as change management
- Professional experience as a manager or specialist
- Professional experience as HR Manager
- Proof of performance: short written/oral examination at the end of the respective course day
- University certificate for successful participation in the certificate course
- Passing of 3 ECTS points
Prof. (FH) DDr. Mario Situm, MBA
Scientific Director
Georg Greiderer
Office Management
Daniela Stöckl
Office Management