
Business Psychology

Bachelor's degree program

Our full-time Bachelor's program in Business Psychology equips you with the skills to analyze human behavior and apply this knowledge to economic decisions and corporate strategies. Become an expert in psychological business analysis!


  • Qualification Level:

    Stufe 1, Bachelor
  • Price:

    Euro 363,36* (excl. Student Union-fees) each semester
  • Academic Degree:

    Bachelor of Arts in Business (BA)
  • Academic Program:

  • Language:

    78% German, 22% English
  • Remote Options:

    E-Learning min. 20 % online
  • Exchange Semester:

    Organized stay abroad, 5th semester, internship in the 6th semester (also possible abroad)**
  • Admission Requirements:

    General admission requirements
  • Study Places per Year:



Start subject to approval by AQ Austria
* More information for students from third countries can be found in the Links & Downloads section.
** Travel expenses are to be covered by the students themselves or are supported by a grant.

Program Description

Eingang der FH Kufstein Tirol vom Gebäude B, mit dem Namen der Fachhochschule als Schriftzug darüber stehend. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch, und ein Mann dieser Gruppe zeigt mit seinem Stift in die Richtung der Kamera, wo sich ein Whiteboard befindet. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Ein Bücherregal, auf dem drei Reihen von Büchern sind. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Discover business psychology: Learn how behaviors impact the workplace and apply that knowledge to solve business challenges. The program equips you with consulting and problem-solving skills for a dynamic and digitized work environment.

The Business Psychology program offers a comprehensive education in the fundamentals of economics and psychology with a strong practical focus. Our students gain in-depth knowledge of behavioral patterns in business contexts, particularly in the areas of consumer behavior, market research, neuromarketing, and industrial and organizational psychology. At the same time, core business skills such as management, marketing and finance are taught. Special emphasis is placed on developing social skills such as conflict management and mediation. Courses taught in English, a semester abroad and an internship promote internationalization and prepare students for careers in middle management and management consulting.

Study Focus

  • 37 %

    (Business) Psychology

  • 23 %

    International skills

  • 18 %

    Practical tansfer & methodological competence

  • 16 %

    Practice transfer & empirical research

  • 07 %

    Business & management

What You Will Learn

  • Designing working conditions and systems

  • Increasing employee motivation

  • Promote well-being at work

  • Use didactic approaches for training

  • Successfully managing change processes

  • Implementing conflict resolution in companies

  • Conducting market research studies

  • Developing marketing strategies and campaigns

Popular Occupational Fields

  • Industrial-psychology consultant in companies
  • Education & training developer
  • Change manager
  • Marketing & market research expert
  • HR manager & organizational developer

Career Opportunities

  • 65% of the working time

    in future-oriented professions requires empathy and interaction (Deloitte, 2020)

  • 60% of companies

     see adapting corporate culture as the biggest challenge of digital transformation (according to WIK, 2021)

  • Ø 4,500 euros gross monthly salary

     for business psychologists in companies, with potential for increase through professional experience (according to Karrieresprung)

  • Industrial, Organizational and Business Psychology

    second most frequently applied field of psychology (according to the German Psychological Society)

The path to the Bachelor's Degree

Ein Weg durch den Park, welcher zur FH Kufstein Tirol führt. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

The Bachelor of Science in Business Psychology provides a solid education in the fundamentals of business psychology. With a strong focus on practical applications and interdisciplinary approaches, the program prepares our students to assume leadership roles in a variety of industries and functions. By combining psychological theories with business knowledge, graduates are equipped for key positions in the modern workforce.

Special features:
  • Specialization in business psychology

  • Expert presentations from the field

  • Interdisciplinary case studies

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students with sufficient qualifications from Austrian commercial academies and higher vocational schools with an economic focus (Germany and Austria) can receive credit for the following courses from the first semester:

  • Introduction to Business Administration
  • Introduction to Accounting and Finance

To apply for credit, they must submit a request directly to the Director of Studies.


Director of Studies

© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Prof. (FH) DDr. Mario Situm, MBA

Director of Studies Bachelor Business Management, Bachelor Leadership & Business Management, Master Corporate Transformation Management


international competence

Foreign Language I
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

The study-integrated language modules offered are designed following the methodological principles of a communicative, action-oriented approach. The competence levels of the module offerings align with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), with a central goal being that students improve their communication competence by at least one level. Additionally, there is a strong focus on acquiring academic and business-oriented skills in the target language: • A1-A2: Basic communication skills • B1-B2: Advanced language use and communication skills • B2-C1: Independent language use up to proficient language skills and communication abilities • C1-C2: Expert language skills up to fluent, competent communication abilities.

Foreign Language II
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

The study-integrated language modules offered are designed according to the methodological principles of a communicative, action-oriented approach. The competency levels of the module offerings are aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and a central goal is for students to improve their communication competence by at least one level. Additionally, there is a clear focus on acquiring academic and business-oriented skills in the target language: • A1-A2: Basic communication skills • B1-B2: Advanced language use and communication skills • B2-C1: Independent language use to proficient language skills and communication abilities • C1-C2: Expert language skills to fluent, competent communication abilities.

Consolidation Social Skills
  • Semester 5
  • 8 ECTS

Enhancement of Social Skills: Courses such as Business Communication, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, International Business Communication, Bargaining Behavior.

Specialization in Business Psychology
  • Semester 5
  • 16 ECTS

Courses from the following four areas: 1. Businsess Psychology (e.g., Biological Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Managerial Decision Behavior, Psychology of Financial Markets, etc.) 2. Management & Business (e.g., Business Ethics, Corporate Culture, Data Analytics, Diversity, Knowledge Management, Leadership, Organizational Theory, etc.) 3. Marketing (e.g., Advanced Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Customer Service Excellence, Digital Marketing, Global Marketing, Market Research, etc.) 4. HR Management (e.g., Basics of HR Management, Employer Branding, People & Organization, Strategic HR Management, etc.)

Consolidation Area Studies & Cultures
  • Semester 5
  • 6 ECTS

Courses such as Intercultural Communication, Business Geography, Anthropological Perspectives on Culture and Society, etc.


Practice transfer & empiricism

Quantitative Methods I: Descriptive Statistics & Scientific Work
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

Part A: Fundamentals of Scientific Work: • General rules of scientific work • Ethical aspects and plagiarism / Use of artificial intelligence in the research process Part B: Aspects and Techniques: • Identifying a research gap • Literature review (books, academic journals, digital library, internet) • Introduction to reference management software • Formulating research hypotheses and questions • Citation and citation styles • Objectification of research findings Part C: Content and Structure of a Scientific Work: • Structure of a scientific work • Execution of problem statement & relevance • Presentation of the aim of the work • Construction of the table of contents • List of figures and tables • Compilation of source or reference lists • Other elements of a scientific work (Declaration of originality, Abstract, Appendix etc.) Part D: Statistics with Spreadsheet: • Building data and calculation tables for statistical evaluations (data entry, automatic data generation, formatting, data structures) • Application of basic arithmetic operations on statistical data (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, powers, etc.) • Use of selected special functions (e.g., financial mathematical or statistical functions) Part E: Fundamentals of Statistics • Introduction to descriptive statistics (graphical representation of data and distributions, calculations of statistical measures of central tendency and dispersion, test for normal distribution of data) and data interpretation • Introduction to inferential statistics (difference tests for nominal, ordinal, and cardinal scaled data) • Introduction to correlation and factor analysis Part F: Construction of a dataset and variable declaration: • Structure and organization of a dataset for statistical analyses using software • Determination and development of variables (dependent, independent, dummy, interaction) and scaling (nominal, ordinal, interval, cardinal) • Application of basic statistical methods using datasets The deepening of (theoretical) content is carried out through practical examples including software support.

Quantitative methods II: Inferential statistics & test procedures
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

• Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (one-way, two-way, and multifactorial; Types of Effects; Mean Comparison or t-Test; F-Test; Post-hoc Analyses; Analyses with and without repeated measures) • Methods for Ranked Data (Mann-Whitney U Test; Wilcoxon Test; Kruskal-Wallis H Test) and Methods for Nominal Data (Chi-Square Test; Effect Size) • Regression Analysis (univariate and multivariate linear regression; Non-linear Relationships; Dummy Variables; Interaction Variables; Assumptions Testing; Alternative Models to Linear Regression; Advanced Regression Models [e.g., Logit Regression, Quantile Regression, etc.]) • Questionnaire Construction and Testing Procedures (Criteria for Good Measurement; Variables, Items, and Constructs; Descriptive Statistical Item Analysis & Test Score Determination; Standards for Psychological Testing; Test Theories; Confirmatory & Exploratory Factor Analysis; Reliability Analysis; Semantic Differential) The deepening of (theoretical) content is achieved through practical examples including software support.

Qualitative methods & experimental design
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

• Exploratory Interview Techniques (In-depth Interviews, Narrative Interviews, Problem-Centered Interviews, Focused Interviews, Focus Group Interviews) and Indirect Interview Techniques (Associative Methods, Estrangement Techniques, Projective Methods, Nonverbal Techniques, Creativity Techniques, Ordering Techniques) • General Process of Qualitative Research (Objectives of Knowledge and Research Planning, Method Selection and Implementation, Processing of Obtained Data, Use of Mixed-Methods for Selected Questions, Quality Criteria of Interviews [Objectivity, Reliability, Validity]) • Design and Creation of an Interview Guide (Formulation of Questions, Types of Questions, Structure of the Interview Guide) • Planning and Execution of Interviews (Recruitment of Interviewees, Concept of Experts, Conducting Interviews and Building Relationships, Legal and Ethical Framework) • Evaluation of Interviews (Transcription, Qualitative Content Analysis, Quantitative Text Analysis, Analysis of Nonverbal and Paraverbal Behavior) • Basics of Experimental Research (Types of Variables, Involved Persons, Basic Principles of Controlling Extraneous Variables, Types of Experiments, Quasi-Experiments) • General Process of Experimental Research (Operationalization and Measurement, Experimental Design, Control of Extraneous Variables, Sample, Empirical Prediction and Statistical Hypothesis, Execution, Results, Reporting) The deepening of (theoretical) content is achieved through practical examples including software support.

Bachelor thesis seminar
  • Semester 6
  • 10 ECTS

In the bachelor thesis seminar, students are supported both content-wise and methodologically in the creation of their bachelor thesis. The bachelor thesis is substantively linked to the professional internship. The students report regularly on the progress of their bachelor thesis as part of the accompanying process. The students receive instructions and templates for the preparation of the bachelor thesis, thereby receiving appropriate scientific guidance throughout.


Practical Transfer & Methodological Competence

Practical project I: Experimental market research
  • Semester 3
  • 4 ECTS

In the Bachelor's program in Economic Psychology, students dedicate themselves to an in-depth investigation of practice-based case studies that highlight the psychological aspects of company formation, acquisition, and succession. The focus is on collaboration with small and medium-sized enterprises as well as startups, which directly involves students in the real challenges and psychological processes that shape these economic phases. The course content includes a thorough analysis of decision-making processes, motivational structures, and team dynamics that occur in companies. Leadership styles and their impact on employee motivation and productivity are also examined. A key component of the course is the application of experimental market research methods, which allow students to practically test and validate psychological theories and models. Using these methods, students can investigate, for example, how different leadership styles affect employee performance and satisfaction or how changes in team composition influence corporate culture and workplace climate. The results of these studies contribute to developing data-supported, psychologically-founded strategies for business management and development. In addition to deepening their professional knowledge, this approach also enhances important complementary skills such as critical thinking, analytical abilities, and the capacity to apply scientific methods in real economic contexts. Students take complete charge of planning and executing the research projects, from hypothesis formation through data collection and analysis to presenting their findings. This comprehensive methodological and practical experience optimally prepares students for future professional challenges at the intersection of psychology and economics.

Practical project II: People and Organization
  • Semester 4
  • 4 ECTS

In the Bachelor's program in Economic Psychology, students dedicate themselves to an in-depth investigation of practice-based case studies that highlight the psychological aspects of company formation, acquisition, and succession. The focus is on collaboration with small and medium-sized enterprises as well as startups, which directly involves students in the real challenges and psychological processes that shape these economic phases. The course content includes a thorough analysis of decision-making processes, motivational structures, and team dynamics that occur in companies. Leadership styles and their impact on employee motivation and productivity are also examined. A key component of the course is the application of experimental market research methods, which allow students to practically test and validate psychological theories and models. Using these methods, students can investigate, for example, how different leadership styles affect employee performance and satisfaction or how changes in team composition influence corporate culture and workplace climate. The results of these studies contribute to developing data-supported, psychologically-founded strategies for business management and development. In addition to deepening their professional knowledge, this approach also enhances important complementary skills such as critical thinking, analytical abilities, and the capacity to apply scientific methods in real economic contexts. Students take complete charge of planning and executing the research projects, from hypothesis formation through data collection and analysis to presenting their findings. This comprehensive methodological and practical experience optimally prepares students for future professional challenges at the intersection of psychology and economics.

  • Semester 6
  • 20 ECTS

The course content depends on the activities that the students undertake at their internship providers. The students independently choose an internship position, utilizing the extensive range of internship advertisements available from FH Kufstein Tirol. The program director verifies the professional alignment of the internship activities with the study content and the qualification profiles of the program. Subsequently, the program director checks whether the professional internship meets the educational objectives of the program and whether the student can be employed according to their qualification level. A detailed internship guide supports the students in organizing their practical semester.


Business and Management

Fundamentals of Business Administration & Economics I
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

Business Administration Section: -------------------------------- Part A: Overview and Analysis of Interconnections among Key Business Economics Areas • Characteristics of business enterprises and the scope of business economics. • Decision theory in business economics. • Operational functional areas. • Basics of management and ethics. Part B: Fundamentals of Business Economics • Constitutive business decisions such as legal forms, location decisions, types of business mergers/acquisitions, and choice of business field. • Functional business decisions: materials management, production management, marketing. • Fundamentals of business value creation processes and functions (value creation architecture and structure). • Basics of market-, process-, and strategy-oriented management. Part C: Strategic Management • Definition and distinction between strategy vs. business model; Mintzberg's 5 Ps. • Strategic management process and relevant analyses (vision & mission; environmental analysis, external and internal company analysis, resource analysis, and Porter's value chain, competitor analysis, SWOT, etc.). • Strategic vs. operational goals. • Generic strategies by Porter (focus on differentiation, differentiation, cost focus, cost leadership) and by Treacy & Wiersema (product leadership, operational excellence, customer intimacy). Economics Section: ------------------ Part A: Core Topics • Economic thinking and marginal analysis. • Efficient allocation of scarce resources. • Market model and market equilibrium. • Macroeconomic variables (GDP, inflation, and unemployment) and their interrelations. Part B: Selected Economic Issues • Elasticity and welfare. • Cost functions and optimal company production. • Pricing and market structures. • Short-term economic fluctuations: business cycles. • Money, the ECB, and inflation. • Long-term economic growth. • International relations and trade.

Fundamentals of Business Administration & Economics II
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

Marketing Section: ------------------ • Teaching the fundamentals of marketing under the following aspects: • Definition and applications of marketing • Importance and roles of marketing in the 21st century • Social responsibility and ethics in marketing • Strategic marketing / Market segmentation • Analysis of consumer behavior in consumer goods markets • Marketing mix (4P) • International marketing • Market orientation in corporate culture and leadership • Future perspectives of marketing Accounting & Finance Section: ----------------------------- Part A: External Accounting • Structure of accounting • Basics of corporate accounting: tasks, subdivisions, and fundamental concepts • System of commercial bookkeeping: from inventory to opening balance sheet • System of double-entry bookkeeping: recording business transactions in asset and income accounts • Organization of accounting (chart of accounts, VAT, etc.) • Principle of period integrity and accruals • Principles of proper accounting • Valuation of balance sheet items (fixed assets, current assets, highest and lowest value principle) and • valuation methods (FIFO, LIFO, HIFO, KIFO, constant value method, etc.) Part B: Internal Accounting • Objectives and basic concepts of cost and revenue accounting • Fundamentals of cost and revenue accounting: tasks, components, and subdivisions • Structure of cost accounting (types of costs, cost centers, cost units) • Contribution margin accounting


Business Psychology

Fundamentals of business psychology
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

• Introduction & Basics (History; Development & Subdisciplines of Economic Psychology; Specifics of Economic Behavior; Problematics of Rational Behavior; Human Image in Economic Psychology) • Theories of Economic Psychology (Framework of Economic Psychological Research; Motivation Theories; Cognitive Theories; Interaction Theories; Field Theory; Market Psychological Approach; Culture & Cross-Cultural Psychology; Transitions & Stress Research; Cultural-Sociological Approach; Systemic Explanatory Approaches) • Economic Psychological Concepts (Individual Level [Values, Attitudes; Feelings & Emotions; Motivation & Action; Attribution; Competence; Learning & Decision Processes; Self & Identity]; Interpersonal Level [Processes within & between Groups; Diversity; Cooperation & Competition; Conflict & Conflict Resolution; Negotiation; Trust; Power; Justice]) • Psychology of Macroeconomic Processes (Psychology of Economic Developments [Industrialization; Developing Countries; Internationalization; Economic Cycles]; Psychology of Developed Societies [Value Change; Environmental Issues; Informal Economy; Unemployment]; Psychology of Money [Value of Money; Income; Taxation; Saving; Investment]) • Psychology of Microeconomic Processes (Overview of the following topics: Work and Organizational Psychology; Market & Consumer Psychology) • Application Fields with Examples (Processes of Buying & Selling; Mergers & Acquisitions; Consultancy in Business-Related Contexts; Unemployment; Intercultural Actions in Business Contexts; Entrepreneurial Actions & Self-Employment)

General Psychology I: Perception, memory, thinking & decision-making
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

• Psychology as a Science (Subject & Goals of General Psychology; Concepts & Perspectives of Psychology; Psychology as a Scientific Research Method; Methodological Principles of Psychology; Methods of Experimental Design & Data Collection) • Neuroscience and Behavior – Biological-Physiological Foundations (Signal Transmission in the Nervous System; Organization of the Nervous System; Structure of the Brain; Genetics & Behavior) • Perception (Properties of the Senses; Making Phenomenal Experience Measurable; Psychophysics, Visual Perception; Auditory Perception; Balance & Proprioception; Tactile Senses; Smell & Taste; Somatosensory System; Multimodal Perception) • Attention & Consciousness (Attention & Selective Stimulus Processing; Consciousness; Sleep; Dreaming & Circadian Rhythms) • Action Control (Physiological Foundations of Motor Skills; Control; Programming & Regulation; Interaction between Action & Perception; Multitasking/Dual Tasks; Executive Functions/Cognitive Control) • Memory (Memory Processes & Systems; Methods & Findings of Early Experimental Memory Research; Sensory Memory; Working Memory/Short-Term Memory; Long-Term Memory; Memory Theories; Constructive Memory; Memory Enhancement & Learning Strategies; Neurobiological Basis of Memory) • Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making (Propositional Thinking & Knowledge Presentation; Imagery Thinking; Neural Basis of Propositional and Imagery Thinking; Problem Solving: Basic Concepts & Strategies; Decision Making: Basic Concepts & Strategies, Intelligence & Creativity)

Fundamentals of work and organizational psychology
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

Organizational Psychology Section: ---------------------------------- • Overview of the Past and Future of Work & Organizational Psychology (Concepts of Human Nature [e.g., Economic Man; Social Man; Complex Man; etc.]; Modern Work Environments [e.g., Industrial Revolution; Work 4.0; Agility; etc.]) • Organization Theories & Development (Concept of Organization; Classical & Contemporary Organization Theories: Industrialization & Mass Production; Human Relations Movement; High Reliability Organizations & Cyber-Physical Systems; Organizational Structure; Networks; Organizational Culture & Climate) • Theories of Organizational Change (Theories of Change [e.g., episodic/revolutionary & continuous/evolutionary change; Field Theory; etc.], Change through Organizational Learning; Active Management of Change in Organizations; Participation & Communication in Change Processes) Work Psychology & Agile Project Management Section: --------------------------------------------------- • Theoretical Models of Work Behavior (Behavioral Theoretical Approaches; Cognitive Psychological/Theoretical Approaches; Action Theoretical Approaches; Activity Theoretical Approaches) • Work Psychology & Socio-Digital Systems (Definition of Work & Work 4.0, Analysis; Evaluation & Design of Work; Effects of Work; Health Promotion & Occupational Health Management; Work Safety & Safety Management) • Work Performance (Determinants of Individual Performance; Influence of Personal & Non-Personal Leadership on Performance; Team Performance & Development) • Fundamentals of Project Management (Project Definition & Differentiation from Project Assignment; Project Planning & Organization; Roles & Responsibilities in the Project; Project Implementation & Control; Project Closure; Success Factors of Project Management; Project Handbook) • Introduction to Time Management & Stress Factors in Projects; Introduction to Creating Time & Milestone Plans with Software Assistance • Building an Agile Mindset with Values & Principles • Basics of Kanban & Scrum (Scrum & Scrum Roles, Application of Agile Techniques [Use Cases; personas; Burn Up Chart; Cumulative Flow Diagram; Earned Value Analysis])

Social psychology: Social foundations, behavior and experience
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

• Introduction (Definition & Subject Matter; Methods of Social Psychology; Situation, Motives of People) • Social Cognition & Perception (Structure of Knowledge; Perception & Attention; Encoding & Interpretation; Formation of Social Behavior; Types of Automatic Thinking; Cultural Differences in Social Cognition; Controlled Social Cognition; Non-verbal Communication; Causal Attribution; Culture & Social Perception; Cognitive Dissonance) • Heuristics (Representativeness Heuristic; Availability Heuristic; Anchoring Heuristic; Judgment Heuristic) • Thinking & Feeling (Influence of Emotions on Thinking; Formation of Emotions) • Social Perception, Social Influence & Behavior (Impressions & Impression Formation; Sympathy; Competence; Authority; Credibility; Influences of Others' Behavior on Social Perception & Prosocial Behavior; Influences of Attitudes; Informational & Normative Social Influence; Influence Strategies; Conformity; Obedience) • The Self (Definition & Significance; Explicit & Implicit Self-esteem; Self-regulation; Ways of Self-awareness; Threats to the Self) • Prejudice & Discrimination (Forms & Causes; Stereotyping; Prevention Measures) • Attitudes & Attitude Change (Definition; Prediction of Spontaneous & Deliberate Behavior; Mechanisms of Attitude Change; Resistance to Attitude Change Attempts; Measurement of Attitudes & Predictive Power for Future Behavior; Effects of Advertising; Resistance to Persuasive Messages)

General Psychology II: Learning, Emotion, Motivation & Knowledge
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

• Learning (definition & differentiation; aspects of learning; learning theories; associative learning; habituation & sensitization; classical & operant conditioning; complex & cognitive learning; imitation learning; learning organization) • Knowledge (definition & differentiation; knowledge & knowledge management; types of knowledge; explicit & tacit knowledge; knowledge acquisition; knowledge balance) • Motivation (basic concepts of motivation & theoretical approaches; early and more recent theories of motivation; biological foundations of motivation; basic & controlling motivation; gender & sexuality; cognitive motivation models; motive classes; implicit, explicit motives & motive congruence; motivation through goal setting) • Emotion (conceptual delimitation; early and recent theories of emotion; functions & classification of emotions; biological basis of emotions; emotion regulation; cognition & emotion; emotional expression; aggression & fear as emotional reactions; emotional stress; facets of emotion; measurement of emotion)

Differential psychology, personality psychology & diagnostics
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

• Introduction (Development and Tasks of Differential Psychology and Personality Psychology, Universality of Interindividual Differences, Central Concepts [Variable, Scale, Construct, Personality, Nomothetic, Idiographic, and Idiothetic Method], Behaviors & Habits, Behavior Prediction, States, Types, Paradigms of Personality Psychology) • Psychoanalysis & Psychoanalytic Personality Theories (Freud's Personality Theory, Adler's Individual Psychology, Jung's Analytical Psychology) • Personality & Personality Research (Analysis of Variation and Covariation, Measurement and Traits, Personality Factors, Profiles & Types, Personality Disorders) • Personality Domains (Physical Attractiveness, Temperament & Interpersonal Styles, Abilities, Action & Evaluation Dispositions, Attitudes, Self-concept & Well-being) • Personal Environment & Relationships (Personal Environment, Personal Relationships and Relationship Status, Attachments) including Personality Development (Stability, Change, and Consequences of Personality, Genetic Influences, and Environmental Influences) • Gender Differences in Personality (Development of Differences, Magnitude of Differences, Explanation of Differences, Findings and Consequences for Gender Research) • Intelligence & Modeling of Intelligence Structure (Definition & Description, Process Models, Neural Correlates of Intelligence, Intelligence in Education, Profession, and Lifespan, Practical Intelligence, Concepts of Intelligence, Scales & Distributions, Structural Models, Stability & Change) • Creativity (Concept, Assessment of Creativity, Correlates of Creativity, Theory of Creativity, Implications and Trainability) • Modeling of Personality Structures (Typologies, Personality Theoretical Concepts, Five-Factor Model of Personality, Stability & Change)

Market & Consumer Psychology
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

• Market Psychology within the Scientific Systematic Framework (Subject Matter, Market Psychology as an Applied Science, Epistemological Foundations) • Theories of Cognition (Theories of Social Perception and Social Judgment, Social Comparison Theory, Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, Theory of Psychological Reactance, Attribution Theories, Cognitive Response, Theories of Information Processing, Judgment Heuristics) • Development of Personality, Perception, and Memory (Developmental Psychology, Personality Theories, Perception Psychology, Learning Theories) • Motivation & Emotion (Definition, Motive & Motivation, Emotion, Biological Psychology, Scientific Foundations of Economic Behavior) • Power, Control & Exchange (Definition, Markets & Power, Control Theories, Ego Depletion-Loss of Control, Exchange Theories) • Perception & Attention (Psychophysics, Vision, Hearing, Sense of Smell, Touch, Multisensory Perception and the Effect of Expectations, Attention Control) • Learning & Memory (Classical, Evaluative, and Operant Conditioning, Use of Memory, Encoding & Retrieval, Recall & Reconstruction, Memory Storage Model, Organization of Memory Contents, Serial Effects of Encoding, Implicit Memory, Mere-Exposure Effect) • Behavioral Control (Energization of the Organism, Affects & Emotions, Motivation & Goals, Behavioral Regulation & Self-Control, Involvement, Priming, Stimuli) • Principles & Psychology of Purchase Decision Making (Types of Purchases, Purchase Decisions for or Against a Product/Service, Prescriptive and Descriptive Decision Theories, Decision Heuristics, Influence of Information, Judgment Biases, Intuition)

Conflict management & mediation
  • Semester 3
  • 2 ECTS

Part A: Conflict management • Communication Models and Conflict Theories • Phases of Conflict Resolution • Tools for Conflict Resolution and Prevention • Case-based Development of Conflict Solutions and Agreements Part B: Mediation • Conflict Escalation Models • De-escalation and Dialogue Techniques • Methods of Business Mediation • Case Example of Phases of the Mediation Process

Psychology of Advertising & Media
  • Semester 4
  • 6 ECTS

• Advertising & Purchasing (Advertising in consumer perception, Purpose and objectives of advertising, Models of advertising effectiveness, Concepts and terms for advertising design, Limits of economic advertising, Advertising and consumer behavior with digital media) • Advertising Design (Advertising environment, Frequency of presentation, Continuity & Consistency, Macrotypical design features of an advertisement, Color design, Typography, Images in advertising, Music and auditory images in marketing, Language, Perception of quantities & numbers, Time perception) • Money & Price Psychology (Price sensitivity & stability, Motivational aspects of price perception, Price structure) • Digital Marketing & Online Commerce (Forms of digital marketing, Digital vs. physical goods, Product Placement, Big Data and algorithms in psychology) • Recommendation Marketing & Influencers (Online reviews and electronic word-of-mouth, Marketing with influencers) • Basics of Communication (Concept & delimitation, communicative competence, Definition of communication psychology) • Classical Communication Models (Overview of selected communication models: Shannon & Weaver, Schulz von Thun; Grice's maxims of communication, Rules for successful communication according to Rogers, Communication model according to Watzlawick) • Means of verbal and non-verbal communication (Listening, Asking questions, Explanations, Laughter & Humor, Haptic signals, Body language, Proxemics, Physical characteristics) • Forms of Communication (Intrapersonal and interpersonal communication, Communication forms in practice)

Neuromarketing & Behavioral Psychology
  • Semester 4
  • 6 ECTS

• Functional Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology (Cells & structures of the nervous system; Peripheral divisions; Brain waves; Functioning of neurons; Sensory systems; Movement; Brain development & plasticity; Long-term learning & memory) • Fundamentals of Neuromarketing (Concept & Definition of Neuromarketing; Differences between traditional marketing & Neuromarketing; Consumer Neuroscience; Pros & Cons of Neuromarketing; Emotions vs. Rational thinking, Purchase decisions) • Advanced Neuromarketing Techniques (Neuroscientific methods in marketing such as fMRI, EEG, Eye-Tracking; Influence of brands on neural pathways; Product placement and In-Store design; Advertising effectiveness; Price psychology; Online marketing and User experience) • Deep Dives into Behavioral Psychology (Cognitive biases and purchase decisions; Emotional vs. rational decision making; Social influences on consumer behavior) • Ethical Considerations in Neuromarketing (Ethics and data privacy; Manipulation vs. persuasion) • Practical Applications and Case Studies (Analysis of Neuromarketing campaigns; Workshops and projects to apply learned theories and methods)

Specialization in occupational psychology
  • Semester 4
  • 6 ECTS

• Requirement Analysis (Definition, Personal Characteristics, Methods and Procedures of Requirement Determination) • Personnel Selection (Selection & Fit, Personnel Selection Instruments, Criteria for Validity, Selection Decisions, Ethical and Legal Framework) • Performance Appraisal (Performance Appraisal and Behavioral Assessment, Appraisal Methods, Judgment Biases, Appraisal Errors, Occasions and Levels of Performance Appraisal) • Personnel Development (Definition and Differentiation, Corporate Planning, Career Planning, Potential Analysis, Diagnosis of Development Needs, Personnel Development Measures, Transfer Assurance) • Job Satisfaction & Motivation ((Process) Theories of Motivation, Constructs, Measurement and Correlates of Job Satisfaction; Theories and Constructs of Work Motivation) • Job Analysis, Evaluation & Design (Terms Job Analysis and Job Design, Objectives and Applications of Job Analysis, Process, Analysis Methods and Procedures of Job Analysis [e.g., VERA, ISTA, JDS or WDQ], Objectives and Strategies of Job Design, Job Design Measures) • Digitization of the Work Environment (Concept of Digitization, Blurring of Work Boundaries, Digital Work Quality) • Work & Health (Workload, Model for Explaining the Emergence of Stress, Consequences of Workload in the Workplace, Recognition of Workload in the Workplace, Coping with Workload and Stress in the Workplace, Work-Life Balance)

Specialization in Organizational Psychology & Organizational Development
  • Semester 4
  • 6 ECTS

• Interaction & Communication (Term definition; Ostracism & Discrimination; Forms of communication [oral, written, nonverbal]; Formal & Informal Communication) • Gravitation & Organizational Socialization (Term definition; Basics of organizational socialization; Impact of organizational socialization) • Leadership of Employees (Leadership & Leadership Success; Framework model & Determinants of leadership; Ethical aspects of leadership) • Organizational Development (Basic concepts and basic components of systemic & agile organizational development; Framework conditions: clarification of mandate, structural setup & process architecture; Adaptation model [basic roles & role constitution; delegation matrix; context bridge, continuous learning support; self-organization circle; leadership monitor; circle model as leadership model; circle constitution]; Decision tools & aids) • Organizational Diagnosis (Model-based vs. case-oriented organizational diagnosis; Phases of organizational diagnosis [Introduction, Exploration, Planning, Main examination execution, Data processing, Data preparation and interpretation, Presentation]) • Organizational Culture & Climate (Term definition or differentiation; Measurement, Interpretation & Impact of Organizational Climate; Concept, Measurement & Interpretation of Organizational Culture)

Fundamentals of Change Management
  • Semester 4
  • 2 ECTS

• Definition and Relevance of Change Management • Change Management within the Context of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization • Organizational Learning • Change Management Approaches according to Lewin and according to Kotter • Typologies of Actors in the Change Management Process • Change Managers and Change Leaders • Success and Failure Factors in Change Management

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which areas of focus does the Business Psychology degree program cover?

The main topics covered are industrial psychology, organizational psychology & development, neuromarketing & behavioral psychology, and advertising psychology.

Which specific management skills are taught?

Students learn core skills in change management, strategic planning, financial management and leadership ethics, enriched by practical experience and expert knowledge.

What practical experience do you gain during your studies?

Through projects with companies, case studies and expert workshops, students gain practical insights into real transformation processes.

This degree program enables you to understand and actively shape the complex interface between people and business. We provide in-depth knowledge in psychology and economics to understand the needs and motivations of consumers and employees alike. Our graduates are able to develop effective marketing strategies, optimize the world of work, and design innovative corporate structures.
© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Kristina Kampfer

Deputy Program Director

This degree program prepares you to meet the challenges of modern business. By combining psychological and economic knowledge, you will qualify for management roles in human resource management and market analysis. We emphasize practical training to promote innovative solutions in an international environment.
© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Mario Situm

Director of Studies

Companies often use the same software and hardware, sometimes in the same markets. The perspective of work and organizational psychology is crucial for success: how managers deal with new technologies, employees and customers – especially in dynamic times. This course of study helps you to understand and apply these interrelationships: If you can't measure it, you can't manage it!
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Kurt Seipel

Psychologist, member of the management team of the AWO professional section of the Austrian Psychological Association