Industrial Engineering & Management FT
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Study insights



Following the motto of application-oriented learning, our laboratories offer our future industrial engineers the best conditions for immediately trying out what they have learned in a realistic environment.

The following three labs are available to our students:

Student Projects

Practical projects enable student teams to apply their field-specific and methodological expertise by working on real problems which companies present to them. Additionally, the projects allow the students to present their results to the corresponding company and discuss their findings.

While learning for their future careers, students are supported by experienced coaches.

More practical projects

Praxisprojekt: Sicherheitskonzept für Chemiepark-Betreiberin InfraServ Gendorf

Die Auftraggeberin eines spannenden Praxisprojekts - InfraServ Gendorf, die Betreiberin des größten bayerischen Chemieparks – bietet umfangreiche Services für die Chemie- und Prozessindustrie.

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Automatisierte Hülsenfertigung

Studierende der FH Kufstein Tirol entwickelten ein Konzept zur Umsetzung einer automatisierte Hülsenfertigung mit kollaborativen Robotern und trugen damit zur Entlastung der Arbeitskräfte bei.

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Praxisprojektgruppe simulierte Gefrierprozess

Studierende der FH Kufstein Tirol simulierten den Gefrierprozess und trugen damit zum besseren Verständnis des Eiswachstums bei.

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Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft

Studierende des Bachelorstudienganges Wirtschaftsingenieurswesen entwickelten, im Rahmen eines Praxisprojektes, einen Roboter-Greifer um spezielle Anwendungen am Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft durchführen zu können.

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Erstellung eines Dashboards für die Lernfabrik

Ziel des Praxisprojekts - des Studiengangs Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens vz.18 der FH Kufstein Tirol - war es ein Dashboard, zur Visualisierung der Festo Lernfabrik und weiteren Geräten aus dem Winglab und Makers Lab, zu erstellen.

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Growth of collaborative robotics at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol

The Industrial Engineering & Management study program received the possibility of working with collaborative robotics first hand for the first time in 2019. The University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol invested in two CoBots and thus in student education.

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Excursions / Lecturers

The practical application of knowledge is crucial. Following this motto, the Kufstein University of Applied Sciences considers excursions and guest lectures as important parts of its courses.

Wasserkraft im Fokus

Drei Exkursionen gaben den Studierenden des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen einen konkreten und regionalen Einblick in die Wasserkraft. Ein Speicher- und ein Laufwasser-Kraftwerk sowie ein Betrieb der Kraftwerkstechnik waren die Ziele des anschaulichen Wissenstransfers.

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Kraftwerkstechnologie zum Anfassen

Im Rahmen einer Exkursion zum Laufwasserkraftwerk der Gemeindewerke Kiefersfelden in der Gießenbachklamm erhielt der Bachelorstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen einen umfangreichen Einblick in die Bauweise und Funktion des dortigen Wasserkraftwerkes.

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Die Lean Philosophie nachhaltig umgesetzt

Einen interessanten Einblick in das Unternehmen Gronbach in Niederndorf sowie deren nach modernsten Methoden des Lean Managements strukturierte Produktion, erhielt der Bachelorstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen im Rahmen einer Exkursion.

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Zu Besuch bei der Krones AG

Das Werk in Rosenheim stellt Verpackungsmaschinen, Palettiersysteme und Packroboter im Einzelmaschinenbau her. Der Fertigungsleiter Herr Rausch und der Ausbildungsleiter, Herr Trenner gaben den Studierenden des Studiengangs Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen einen sehr umfangreichen Überblick über den Krones Konzern.

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WING @ Linde Engineering

Das Werk Schalchen der Linde Engineering-Division in Tachterting am Chiemsee produziert Komponenten und komplette Module für Anwendungen in Prozessanlagen vor allem Wärmetauschern.

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Semester abroad

The fifth semester, which all of our students spend abroad, is one of the highlights of the program.


Lucas Lexa, student of Industrial Engineering & Management, spent his semester abroad at the University of Southern Denmark:

 “It is a very large university, but the class sizes are nevertheless small. The professors are very approachable and are always open to questions and ready to support you. Due to the size of the university, it is easy to find a wide range of suitable courses. Most of them are taught in English, with the instructors having a very high level of language competence, so it is easy to follow the lectures.”

Mexico City

Korbinian Gaissmaier, student of Industrial Engineering & Management, spent his semester abroad at the Instituto Politecnico National:

“Although it is a huge university, you quickly find your way around. The lectures, presentations, and exams are in Spanish, but this is quite manageable with a basic knowledge of the language. As an exchange student, you are welcomed with open arms and a lot of curiosity. Needless to say, Mexico City is an incredible place with all the possibilities you can imagine.”

New Zealand

Luis Spechtenhauser, industrial engineer, reports on his semester abroad at the Unitec Campus in Auckland:

“Teaching and studying at the Unitec Campus in Auckland takes place in small classes with usually no more than 20 students. You quickly gain an insight into the culture of the country, for example through the many student clubs and organizations, which offer activities ranging from language exchanges to rugby tryouts. The latter was especially interesting, since a lot of the country revolves around this sport. The nightlife in Auckland needs to be mentioned, too. I particularly liked the many small pubs with frequent live performances by smaller bands, which invariably manage to create a great atmosphere.”


Thinking outside the box and networking are very important to us. In our two series of events, Alumni im Gespräch and Let's talk WING, we showcase new developments in the environment and professional profile of industrial engineers.

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Let's talk WING

Information about the next speakers and their topics will follow soon.

We are looking forward to your visit.