Automation LAB
The Automation Lab at FH Kufstein Tirol offers students and research partners a unique platform to explore and investigate automation. With a variety of electronic workstations, measuring devices, soldering stations, robots, and a fully automated production line with electro-pneumatic components, the lab allows you to experience the many facets of automation up close.
Industrial Engineering & Management
Research fields:
IIoT – Industrial Internet of Things
Smart Factories – Connected Learning
Integration of AR in production
Head of Labs

Markus Ehrlenbach, MSc
Head of Labs

The Automation Lab can be used for a variety of courses:
Fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronics
Sensors and actuators
Data transmission
Regulation and control technology
Learning factory
In the Automation Lab, we offer ESD workbenches for electrical engineering and electronics experiments as well as a fully automated production line from Festo as a learning factory. Our students learn the practical basics of electrical engineering, electronics, sensors, actuators, data transmission and control technology. In the Festo learning factory, they experience pneumatics, program Siemens control systems, optimize energy efficiency and solve production bottlenecks. Adjustments are first made to the digital twin with the help of Festo's CIROS virtualization software.
The Automation Lab also offers a selection of robots of different types for programming and operating techniques. Our goal is to prepare our students for the advancing digitalization of production by introducing them to hardware and relevant software products. The practice-oriented equipment allows students to directly apply their theoretical knowledge and develop their skills in a realistic environment.

Laboratory workstations in ESD design
Soldering stations incl. accessories
Plug-in boards and components for electrotechnical and electronic circuits
Measuring devices for electrical quantities such as multimeters, oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, current clamps, energy measuring cases
Measuring devices for physical variables such as temperature, humidity, sound level, illuminance, pH value, speed
Power supplies such as laboratory power supplies for DC voltage, function generators and isolating transformers
Festo training factory with Siemens controllers
Industrial robots from Mitsubishi, Universal Robots and FANUC
Humanoider Roboter SoftBank Robotics NAO (Aldebaran)