Science Labs

Science Labs

At a glance: The laboratories of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol

The Science Labs of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol (FH Kufstein Tirol) allow the implementation of experiments, demonstrations, and workshops for instructors, students, and researchers from both academia and industry.

Collectively, our labs provide a research infrastructure to address challenges in manufacturing, communication, mobility, finance, and education and training.

Automation Lab

This industrial engineering laboratory includes a variety of equipment, for instance for collaborative robotics. It also houses our Smart Factory, a miniature production line. The focus in this lab is research on smart technologies, automation, and electrical engineering.

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Drone Lab

This laboratory is equipped with a motion tracking system and can be adapted and modified as required for various use cases, e.g., search missions, obstacle setups, etc. In addition to a purpose-built software environment, the drone lab also includes hardware for drone usage scenarios.

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In addition to an extensive collection of both building materials and energy sources, this laboratory enables users to conduct experimental research and simulations in the building and energy sector using a smart meter and an indoor ventilation system.

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eLearning Medien Lab

This laboratory is a central port of call for digital knowledge transfer and consequently offers high-end video, audio, and lighting equipment as well as wireless microphones, mobile screens, digital flipcharts, and a green screen.

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Finance Lab

In addition to the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data using appropriate statistical methods (e.g., regression analyses, time series analyses, etc.), this laboratory makes possible the implementation of experimental research designs and enables all common statistical techniques.

Human Behavior Lab

The Digital Experience Lab at FH Kufstein Tirol takes a look into the future. The AI revolution is becoming an opportunity for our project partners. In addition, eye tracking is helping to shape the user experience (UX) of the future.

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This laboratory is used primarily within the context of the university’s teaching mission and for corporate training courses. Various digitization tools, for instance AR/VR headsets and an eKANBAN system, can be tested for their practical applicability. In addition, the lab enables research in the fields of process mapping & analysis and research into new working methods.

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This laboratory was purpose-built for the development of functional prototypes and personalized one-of-a-kind products. Various 3D printers, laser cutters, and 3D scanners are available for this purpose. By individual arrangement, students are welcome to get involved and to use the newest technologies.

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This laboratory is designed for the development and testing of web and mobile applications. In addition, it offers an AR/VR area where augmented and virtual reality applications can be developed, simulated, and tested.

News of the FH Kufstein

Anergie-Netz: FH Kufstein Tirol und Stadtwerke Wörgl entwickeln gemeinsam innovatives Energiekonzept

In einem Praxisprojekt konnten 13 Studierende des Studiengangs Energie- & Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement an der FH Kufstein Tirol ihre im Studium erlernten Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen.

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So wird Mitarbeiter:innen-Fluktuation ein Schlüssel zum Erfolg

Mitte April 2024 fand der siebte Personalleiter:innenkreis an der FH Kufstein Tirol statt. Fluktuation von Mitarbeiter:innen kann durchaus auch eine Chance für ein Unternehmen sein - wenn man sich ernsthaft mit deren Gründen auseinandersetzt und gezielt Maßnahmen setzt.

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Erfolgreiche Prozessoptimierung im Gerätewerk Matrei

Innovative Ansätze und moderne Strategien prägen das Gerätewerk Matrei (GWM) am Brenner. Die Erfahrungsgruppe Prozessmanagement des Masterstudiengangs ERP-Systeme & Geschäftsprozessmanagement der FH Kufstein Tirol erlangte Einblicke in die Verbindung von Strategien und Prozessen.

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