Survey POTENTIALe Messe Art and Design Feldkirch
In 2016 the cultural festival POTENTIALe celebrated its second anniversary in Feldkirch, Vorarlberg and took place from October, 24th until November, 13th. The festival followed a new integrative concept, offering a variety of cultural activities throughout the whole urban space of Feldkirch. Originally, the POTENTIALe has been developed around the design trade show ArtDesign which has been taken place in Feldkirch for ten years. In 2015 8.000-10.000 people visited the POTENTIALe over the course of three weeks. The city marketing and tourism department of Feldkirch commissioned the group of students to conduct a visitor poll of the cultural festival in Feldkirch from November 11th - 13th 2016. The goal of the survey was to identify how the cultural festival is perceived and visited by the people, independently from the well-established fair ArtDesign. The project has been realized by four students.