Digital researcher camp made the technical professions come alive
Along with MTU Aero Engines AG in Munich, the university of applied sciences in Kufstein designed the program of the two-day Educational Association of the Bavarian Economy researcher camp. The camp was originally planned to be on-site at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol, but it turned out that the nine students received a virtual insight into the world of technology and scientific professions.
Researcher camp 2020
The researcher camp is part of the Technology - Future Educational Initiative Bavaria 4.0, funded by the Bavarian Employers’ Associations for the Metalworking and Electrical Industries bayme vbm and by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs. The goal of the initiative since its founding 20 years ago has been to enthuse young people for technology and science. After the on-site event was canceled, it was very important to the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol to at least offer the camp in an online format. “The researcher camp offers an ideal platform to give young women an insight into scientific and technical subjects. We would have very much regretted having to cancel the camp, which is why we are even more glad that the researchers liked the online formal so well,” said Mag. (FH) Elisabeth Kickenweitz, project supervisor of the researcher camp at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol.
This year the bachelor degree program Industrial Engineering & Management especially planned the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol’s contribution to the online camp. The participants received a good look at the study program and the technical laboratories and saw things like applications of 3D printers at the university of applied sciences in Kufstein. “At the online camp, we were able to show the interested researchers the scientific operations at our university of applied sciences and convey contents of the study program, especially the practical part,” Markus Ehrlenbach, MSc, Laboratory Manager at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol said happily. The participants were able to have more personal interaction and talked with trainees and students and dealt with their professional future in a targeted way in another workshop.
Women in technology: attractive career prospects
The percentage of women in the technical and economical industries is still low. The researcher camp is specifically geared towards young women in order to change this. The goal is to enthuse women about technical professions and change stereotypes. That is why the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol gets involved in the researcher camp and other projects such as the reFIT Program. “The study programs at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol have a mix of technical and economical study contents even in the technical subjects, and this combination is especially more attractive to women. I am glad that we are able to enthuse young women in a targeted way about the topic of technology by the researcher camp and other initiatives,” said Christine Haage, BA, Diversity Representative and Head of Business Communication & Marketing.