
Sustainability and Energy Business (E)

level of course unit

first cycle

Learning outcomes of course unit

Students get clear understanding of the main drivers of climate change. They know the main goals and targets of international conventions and the structure of the IPCC reports.
Students get used to handle dimensions of energy and power. Students get knowledge of key facts and visions of the application of Renewable Energy Systems, system dependencies of grid and generation and of energy market design.

prerequisites and co-requisites

1.year of studies

course contents

Students receive an overview of the most important terms and principles of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, national programs and accompanied reporting and control. Using the MIT Enroad simulator tool they will research and design their own program to fulfill the goals of the UN Paris agreement of climate change in a workshop. Concerning the targets of improving Renewable Energy Systems and of enhancing energy efficiency the resources and integration into infrastructure and energy markets will be discussed.

recommended or required reading

Sachs, J., Schmidt-Traub, G., Kroll, C., Lafortune, G., Fuller, G. (2019): Sustainable Development Report 2019. New York: Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
"Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". United Nations – Sustainable Development knowledge platform. Retrieved 23 August 2015.
Jones, A. et al.: En-ROADS User Guide, []
IPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group
III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

assessment methods and criteria

Deliveries of workshop groups and open book tests.

language of instruction


number of ECTS credits allocated


eLearning quota in percent


course-hours-per-week (chw)


planned learning activities and teaching methods

Blended learning and working groups

semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


name of lecturer(s)

Prof.(FH) Dr. Wolfgang Woyke

year of study


recommended optional program components


course unit code


type of course unit

integrated lecture

mode of delivery


work placement(s)


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