Lassen Sie sich von den Erfahrungen erfolgreicher Menschen inspirieren. Unsere Studierenden haben verschiedene Persönlichkeiten interviewt, um herauszufinden, was sie anders machen und wie Sie selbst ihre Erfolgsstrategien anwenden können.
What is Erasmus+?
The Erasmus Program is a funding program of the European Union. Its name commemorates Erasmus of Rotterdam, a central European humanist of the Renaissance period. The Erasmus program has developed to become the world’s largest funding program for academic exchanges.
Priorities of the program 2021-2027
- Social inclusion
- Green and digital transformation
- Promoting young people’s participation in democratic life
General information
Requirements to study abroad through Erasmus+
Anyone studying at an eligible higher education institution in Austria can apply for an academic exchange through Erasmus+.
- The sending university must have concluded a valid inter-institutional agreement with the receiving university.
- The application for funding of a study abroad period is submitted by the sending university within the framework of mobility programs, not by the student.
- Universities receive funding budgets based on an annual application process.
- The administration and disbursement of the funds to students takes place directly through the respective universities.
Length of stay of study abroad periods
Erasmus+ supports study abroad periods of two to twelve months per study cycle (i.e., at the bachelor’s, master’s, and/or PhD level).
Students can combine several eligible stays abroad as long as their total length does not exceed one year (for example, an Erasmus+ internship and an Erasmus+ study abroad period).
Funding opportunities & funding rates for study abroad periods through Erasmus+
After you have been nominated by the IRO at the partner university, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant if your stay takes place in an Erasmus+ Program Country. E+ Program Countries are defined as the 27 EU Member States including their Overseas Countries and Territories, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey.
Important note: The United Kingdom is no longer an EU Member State. However, despite Brexit, it is contractually possible for students to go to the UK through Erasmus+ and to receive funding for their stay until May 31, 2023. This means that the option to apply for Erasmus+ funds is open to all students studying in the UK in the upcoming winter and/or summer semester 2022/23.
Applications for Erasmus+
The IRO of FH Kufstein Tirol will inform you in due time (via e-mail) of the application procedure and the eligibility criteria. The application as well as the submission of documents is carried out via the fh.checkin portal.
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